Engagements are usually customized but tend to fall into four main types:
Facilitated futures thinking sessions ranging from futures workshops for strategy and innovation teams, to ‘strategic conversations’ suitable for board meetings. They may be short sessions lasting an hour to two, to highlight specific issues, or extend to multi-day sessions over several months of elapsed time for more complex and in-depth understanding and for wide-ranging future reviews.
Research projects involving focused research to gain understanding of emerging strategic situations, such as in-depth exploration of changing industry structure or the impact of new technologies or social agendas. This work can be for single clients or multiple clients, such as industry associations. Projects typically extend over several months and culminate in written reports and/or presentations suitable for internal or external audiences.
Keynotes and seminars on client-focused topics, such as ‘the future of your industry’, or broader surveys of the emerging national or global strategic landscape, for conferences and events. These are typically an hour or two in length and usually involve orientation time with the client as well as supporting research and preparation work.
Executive education sessions on strategic and futures thinking, ranging from short half day introductory sessions and seminars to in-depth multi-day programs. These sessions can be either in-house or offered through business schools as custom or open enrolment modules, or as part of MBA curricula.